Monday 21 February 2011

Book Review - All American Girl

Title: All American Girl
Author: Meg Cabot
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
ISBN-13: 978-0330400695

"Samantha Madison was an ordinary teenager. Well, maybe not so ordinary, since she wears only black and has a great talent for drawing. She has a popular, beautiful older sister, Lucy, and a genius little sister. She's in love with Lucy's boyfriend, Jack, who is also an artist. Her parents decide to sign her up for art classes, which she really doesn't want to take. One day she skips art classes, one thing leads to another, and she saves the President's life. From that moment, her life is changed forever."

My Review
As I am working through all Meg Cabot's works, this was another to check off my list. When Sam skips art class one day she spots a man trying to shoot the president who happens to be passing. Without thinking Sam leaps on the man and saves the president's life. Automatically named a hero and thrust into the limelight Sam has to deal with her new-found popularity. This story seemed a bit far fetched from the blurb, but it is written in a way that makes it totally believable. I could instantly connect with Sam and felt like I knew her. The writing flows well and is easy to follow, I finished the book in one day and it did leave me wanting to know more, but at the same time I was slightly disappointed, it just felt like the story was missing something. It just didn't seem to live up to Cabots normally very high standards, but even so I am glad to have read it, it is overall a good little story. 
Overall Mixed feelings. I will just say I love David, he is such a sweetheart.    

My Rating
I would give this book 7/10. A good read, but don't think i would come back to it.  

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